Monday, March 16, 2009


Fiance and I decided we didn't want to put ourselves in debt by using a credit card so we came up with a savings plan that included putting away cash from our 9-5 and fundraising. We started by opening a separate account that we could transfer money to, but not out of. Then decided what the two of us can do to raise money. This is what we came up with:

• Have a yard sale.
This is like killing two birds with one stone... your making extra cash for your savings AND clearing out your closets. We live in a 800 sq.ft., one bedroom apartment so this was particularly liberating for us. Not to mention I was amazed at what the two of use were willing to part with. And as this is our second apartment, some of our furniture has been upgraded, people have bought us things we already have, clothes that don't fit, shoes I forgot I had, etc... We had a whole truck load of things that needed a new home. So, we took everything to my moms house on a sunny Saturday morning and set up shop. My parents also added a few things which made our sale the one you'd be sure to tell you neighbor to check out. We had everything!
At about 7am, we sent my brother out to put signs up on street corners and with in 20 mins we had a flood of shoppers.
Between the 5 of us that were still pricing items, it was almost too much to handle. But, once we got the hang of things, it actually became fun. Bargaining and sometimes winning! lol. $332 later, all we had left was a desk lamp, a 50-gallon reptile tank, and some books... and those things are going on I'd say we did well.

• Get crafty. Handmade goods are just as valuable as manufactured if not better. Websites like make crafty people like you and I visible to shoppers on the internet. It's a small fee per item you have in your store, plus a percentage for each transaction, but it's hardly noticeable if you actually making sales. I have decided to make a few things out of stuff I have in my craft closet and see how that goes. I will post a new blog whenever I make the Etsy store live.

Freelance. I am a graphic designer, so I will be doing some basic web design to raise money. It's really fast money and it seems everyone is willing to pay a couple bucks to make their business known on the web.

Roll up that loose change. Gather all those coins hiding in the car, sofa, drawers, etc and roll it up. The fiance and I collect $61 and some change in just one day. We added that to the yard sale earnings and deposited $393 into our savings in just one weekend! Whoa!

Bake sale. You've probably run out of things to put in a yard sale, but baked goods are cheap and easy to make. Ask your family and friends if you can sell cupcakes or cookies at their next yard sale. Make a few dozen cookies the night before, let them cool, package and price them. Be sure to cook in a sanitary environment and package them so they actually look appetizing to strangers. :) You can get little cellophane bags or mesh from Micheal's Arts and Crafts and tie them with a cute ribbon, or wrap them with saran wrap and seal it with a sticker. If you're really feeling ambitious, label them with your contact information. Maybe someone out there loves your "secret recipe" cookies and would like a few dozen at their next event. That's more dough just rolling in! :P I especially love these pixel cookies.

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