Friday, March 27, 2009

Closing sale? Whaaaah...

Hells-to-the-yeah! It's sad to see a family business close their doors for the last time, but it makes for a perfectly good reason to relieve the shopping itch.

I was in Vacaville assisting a photoshoot for the fiances company and on my way back home I saw the signs..."For Lease, Closing Sale, Free items." If you can image, I took quadruple takes as I sped through the one way street. "Ahhh.....waaah...huhuuhu.....I gotta see this." I blurted while swerving into the nearest parking space.

As I skipped passed the display windows gushing over what awaits me, I practically crapped my pants at the sight of..... OFFICE SUPPLIES! My favorite! This is a luxury where I work. :) Not to mention, most of the stuff could potentially have a use in the wedding.

The best part: the cashier just made up prices. lol I ooh'd, aah'd, and yipped as she priced the box of crap I was lugging around. I walked out of there spending $24 (whoops) on a gang load of paper, envelopes, calligraphy pens, (gasp) all kinds of stuff. The cost for 300 sheets of white linen invitation paper...2 bucks. And the envelopes...3 bucks. A wedding memories book that I plan to recover...2 bucks. The rest of the things I got just because it was 95% off and I'm sure someone could use it.

The fiance's office is right around the corner so I'm sending him back after work to grab more!

I have a problem...i know...

The sale will be open for one more day. Saturday, March 27, 2009. Bowman's Stationers Inc., 322 Parker St., Vacaville. (707) 447-8430‎.

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